Monday, August 24, 2009

Ballerina Buddies

Nothing SCREAMS cute like a tu-tu. It's just the way it is. I think that every little girl should have some pictures like this so that when they are all grown up they can look back to an absolutely lovely time where dress up, catching frogs and making mud pies were top priorities and the backyard played host to many magical adventures. Here is my Gracie and her buddy Jorja, double the cuteness!!
Delightfully, Mandi

Sunday, August 16, 2009

A little bit of loveliness

I love macro photography, for me it's a reminder of the absolute stunning beauty that we are so lucky to be surrounded by. When you take a close look at the intricate details of a flower or a plant it's truly amazing. Sometimes we all need to stop and take in the amazingness that is nature, for me it's through my lens. Now I really need to invest in a tripod because I never use one, it's amazing my macro shots come out even close to sharp as I am breaking the number one rule. Here is a shot of a sunflower getting ready to bloom in our garden, well half of one to add a creative twist.
Delightfully, Mandi

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Movin & Groovin

Children are so spontaneous, I love it! Now don't get me wrong the posed pictures can be sweet but hands down my favorite shots are always the ones that they just do, the tricky part is being ready for it. These pictures of Grace started a bit of an obsession of getting shots of people jumping {just ask my last few shoots}. Sometime the results are brilliant sometimes hilarious, but it's always a bit of a surprise to see how they've turned out. Here is my little G in a dress I scored at Superstore for 7$! I have to brag about the deal cause usually I can never find cute stuff for cheap!

Delightfully, Mandi

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Zawislak Family

Aside from being super friendly and easy going here are a few reasons why the Zawislak's are such a cool family. Each and every one of them knows how to work it for the camera..... even their two dogs looked on cue!! Mom came prepared with flowers, hats and extra outfits {that is my kind of woman!} Their kids are cute, I mean REALLY cute, so stinkin cute you just wanna pinch their cheeks! I had a great afternoon with you guys and I truly hope that you love these pictures, sorry that it took me so long to get them posted.