Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Are you all ready for Christmas???

    Hey friends,
        I just wanted to quickly share a couple images from my last session, I will do a full post for Mya soon.... I don't know about you all but this time of year seems to get stressful, it's busy everywhere, people forget their manners and get aggresive and the deadlines are daunting. At the same time it's lovely.... when you see folks volunteering, baking and my favorite of all the kiddos.....the questions they ask, the reactions to the decorations lights and the big dude in red and the pure amazement alive and almost twinkling in their eyes. That's what it's all about....... so if you are feeling a little blue, overwhelmed or fed up have a look at this beautiful little girl and I guarantee you will feel better. Isn't she a doll!!!

Deligfully, Mandi

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Birthday Boy

   Meet Nathan, he is super sweet and has gorgeous creamy skin and light blue eyes, and has just celebrated his first birthday ( I was priveleged to watch his first cake tasting!!!) Meet Nathan's Mom & Dad, they love hime to bits, isn't it obvious!!! I know I say it all the time, but i'm gonna say it again. I feel honored every time somebody chooses me and trusts in me to represent their children, families and the special times in their life through images. And even though we may only share a few hours together my life has been enriched by getting to witness the love that people share for eachother, and now that I have gone all sappy on you all. I want to thank all of my wonderful clients for being so flippin fabulous! Thanks for stopping by!!!
Delightfully Mandi

My Fave!!

The way he snuggled into his dad here melted my heart!

I told ya.....they love him to bits!

OK, it was tough to put this one up with those blue jerseys on.......Flames jerseys would look much better LOL buuuut  it's still a great picture!

Cake time!!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Team Armitage

It has been almost 3 weeks since my last entry....yikes! Life seems to get so incredibly busy at this time of year, between school, sickness and sessions I tell ya. At the very top of my Christmas wishlist is to have some lovely person come and clean my house once a week..... ahhhhh that would be glorious and oh the work I could get done (the fun work). 

The Armitage crew is just as busy as we are with 3 little ones so it's always a blast when we get together..... the middle child Haiden is soooo busy, Rori (the oldest) has a super kind heart and is such a sweetheart and the little man, well we don't really know yet, he seems pretty chilled to me. Thank you guys for patiently waiting for this post.
Delightfully, Mandi

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Little Dude

   The cutest little kiddos have been coming to see me and Austen was no exception! We had this session the day before his first birthday and it's the absolute perfect time to do a session...... most kids aren't quite walking yet (this is a huge help) and they are so full of curiosity, innocence and a little drool!!! Love it! Happy Birthday Austen, come back and see me again, it's one of the best perks of being a photographer is seeing how much little ones change year to year! I hope that you all had a blast with your little trick or treaters and a Happy Halloween. Thanks for stopping by,
Delightfully, Mandi

Love his little chapeau with the skull

Dad wasn't too sure about the babylegs, I think it's super cute!

This is my favorite.... I would have it made into a 16 by 20 or bigger, love the drool and the little fingers!

He's wearing the right jersey!! Dad too!!


Thursday, October 28, 2010

One More

Almost forgot this one....... gotta love an action shot!


Whitney and Rob are married and I was lucky enough to be their photographer! I just wanted to share a quick story..... moments before the bridal party was arriving in the limo, Rob ran up to me in a bit of a panic, Mandi he said, do you have any kleenex, I want to make sure I have some in case Whitney needs them during the ceremony...... sigh.....I ran to my vehicle and grabbed the box for him just as the limo was pulling up. If that's not love I don't know what is. I had a fantastic time with all you guys and feel lucky to have been a part of your special day! Congrats! Here a a few of my favorites, so hard to choose....

Delighfully, Mandi

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Adam & Cheylyn

Hello friends,

   Holy moly it's been busy and I am getting behind. I have to tell you guys about my weekend, not to complain just in hopes that you will have a chuckle at my expense....... It began on Thurs. evening when my septic alarm went off..... keep in mind that my husband is at work 6 hours away! Shawn had supposedly fixed the pump but Shawn is a driller not a plumber so it didn't surprise me that the alarm went off. When I called him in a bit of a panic he assured me it would be ok and a plumber would come on Saturday but advised me not to use much water until then. Friday evening my son threw up through the night...... every time I changed his bedding and jammies, as  pile of pukey laundry was building up, hmmmmm..... can't do wash until the septic situation is sorted. It's a good thing I have a sinus infection and can't smell a thing. Some serious liquified b.m 's began the next and the next night Max began puking....... I am now running on little to no sleep and praying that Grace and I aren't next. Thankfully the virus was 24 hour and the plumber came and we were back on track. Monday morning I walked Grace out to the bus....warm chai latte in hand and the beautiful crispness of the morning felt great, spirit renewed I felt optimistic about the day and week ahead. As I walked back to the house and saw my cute boys through the window, I went to open the front door only to discover it was locked. You know those moments when you feel like crying but don't quite have the energy.... that's where I was. I tried communicating the technique to unlock the door through the seal but only the handle moved about. It was no use, I gave up and so did they Smith decided that now would be a great time to have some M&M cookies and Max began to cry ( I couldn't see Max) however Smith proudly ate his cookies in front of the window, as though to say tome me there is not a thing you can do lady! 30 minutes later Edie comes to the rescue key in hand (praise the lord) and rescued Max out of the pitch black bathroom that he had locked himself in. I don't know that I have ever dressed them so fast and rushed them off to dayhome as I desperately needed a day off... I hope that you are laughing!

Onto the goodness of Cheylyn and Adam who are extremely photogenic by the way. I am so excited for their wedding it's going to be fab! You two are such a perfect couple and congrats on the engagement!
Delightfully, Mandi

My favorite of the day.....thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Busy Izzy

 I had a hard time keeping up to this little 15 month old, once they get they walking papers they are off! It's almost as though they need to make up for the many months of stillness! Anyways Isabella is such a sweet little girl and it is obvious that she is adored! I hope that you are all well and gearing up to do some major turkey feasting this weekend! I am looking forward to photographing an awesome wedding this weekend.... and some turkey as well!
Delightfully, Mandi

This one has Christmas card written all over it!