Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Kotori Photo Jewelry

 I am so excited to share with you Kotori custom photo jewelry!!! The ways that you can customize the pieces are endless and the best part is that it will be one of a kind. Sterling silver, hand stamped and stunning! Please inquire for prices. More info to come soon!
Delightfully, Mandi

I heart this necklace!!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Miss Mya

 The first time I met Mya she was just a couple weeks old, in a short year she has transformed into the most beautiful little love. Mya has the most beautifully shaped eyes and is a perfect mix of her mom and dad not to mention sweet as can be! I tried to convince mom that she could leave Mya with me for the day....... maybe next time LOL! The first photo is from her newborn session and the rest mark her first birthday! Thanks for stopping by!
Delightfully, Mandi

This one in my favorite!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Reflecting 365 ~ 2010

Time is a bit of a tricky concept to grasp..... No matter what it just keeps on ticking, some days are so lovely we'd love that they could last forever and then there are days that can't go by fast enough. Our babies keep growing no matter how much we'd like to have them stay little and birthdays that we ourselves couldn't conceive celebrating...... have been celebrated. It's just the way it goes, like it or not, time is passing and the older we grow the faster time passes. It has been a busy beautiful year and when I look back on it, it's no wonder it's a bit blurry...... life with 3 little ones and two, 2 year olds (need I say more). There is much to be thankful for and many highlights to look back upon with fondness, here are a few.....

Grace Lily stepped onto a big yellow bus, and I stood at the end of the driveway with tears in my eyes (My first baby to have a first day of school...sigh!) I celebrated and entered my 3rd decade and honestly i've never felt better! I traded in my mama minivan for a white MDX and although not the most practical decision, I love it! That same day we bought a camper and we attempted camping.... we'll get better! Shawn and I committed to making more time for each other and have went for many beautiful date nights. VEGAS with the ladies.  A couple trips to Vancouver/Seattle . The first of many missing teeth (not mine thankfully). Potty training twins.... can get a little messy! Philosophy now has a small studio!! Many wonderful sessions and weddings, i'm pinching myself. Just a few years having a photography business and studio seemed like a lovely daydream. And then there are the moments that play in my memory like a slow motion movie, the really special times, holding tiny hands, circling round and round, singsong, lullaby, giggling tickles, rosy cheeks, bright eyes, singing in the car, rides in laundry baskets......those are the ones that I truly, truly cherish. With that being said it has been 365 days to be thankful for and celebrate. In no particular order here are a few pictures of my little family that warm my heart....... Wishing you all the best in 2011!
Delightfully, Mandi

Friday, January 7, 2011

Happily Ever After

 I could not stop myself from posting a copious amount of photos in this post as I am lovin them so very much!!! On December 23 I had the pleasure of meeting a beautiful couple and documenting their fairytale wedding. Janessa and Leigh were probably the most relaxed bride and groom that i've met to date which made them fantastic to work with during the short window of time we had with light. I'll let the pictures tell the rest of the story......kind of makes you want to get married all over again in winter.......

Delightfully, Mandi