Sunday, June 14, 2009

Country Fun

There is an innocence that I believe only children posses and this is why I adore observing them, playing with them and photographing them. To observe a child deeply engaged in play is a beautiful thing. The following photos are from the year end field trip to Country Fun.  The kids had a blast checking out the animals, mini golfing and riding the train. From my observation they seemed happiest just playing at the playground. The more I look at these photos a stillness or quietness becomes apparent . Also wanting to send a huge thanks out to the lovely ladies at Wee Care Preschool for organizing such great adventures for our little ones. Here are the kids..... just doing their thing!
Delightfully, Mandi


  1. Thank you to the parents for allowing me to share these shots of your gorgeous little ones!

  2. i gotta say my all time favorite is the one with the bunny on graces lap. their aces are priceless
